
An Analytical Approach To Evidence: Text, Problems and Cases (Aspen Casebook Series)

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A problem-based Evidence coursebook that presents the Federal Rules of Evidence in context, illuminates the rules’ underlying theories and perspectives, and provides a fully updated and systematic account of the law in a student-friendly hornbook-style format. The material is accompanied with straightforward and systematic explanations. Lively discussion and interesting problems (rather than numerous appellate case excerpts) engage students in understanding the principles, policies, and debates that surround evidence law. The book also contains self-assessment sections in each chapter that teach students how to identify and resolve legal issues and succeed in the final exam. To sum up: this book stands out as “all in one”: it gives students of evidence an up-to-date comprehensive account of the law; it explains complex evidentiary issues in a straightforward and systematic fashion; and it also tells students what their exam will look like and how to succeed in it.

New to the Seventh Edition:

  • A new case file to introduce numerous evidence issues throughout the semester, with spin-off problems in each chapter.
  • Updated doctrine, including application of evidence rules to electronic evidence and the online environment.

Professors and students will benefit from:

  • An opening case file introducing students to the process of analyzing evidence in terms of the essential elements of a legal dispute, serving as an effective introduction to much of the course to follow
  • A wide range of real-world problems exposes students to the depth and complexity of the Rules of Evidence
  • Every chapter addresses basic rules interpretation, essential policy, and connects theory to practice
  • Assessment problems (modeled on exam questions) at the end of each chapter, including answers with explanations

Teaching materials Include:

  • Updated and streamlined Teacher’s Manual, including sample syllabi for both 4- and 3-credit courses, transition guide for each chapter, teaching guidance, and answers to all the problems in the book
  • Problems Supplement that includes most problems deleted from prior editions
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