Publish with lbooks Corporation.

Embark on your publishing journey with lbooks Corporation, A premier destination where authors find support, Expertise, and access to a global audience. Discover a world of opportunities to showcase your work, Navigate the publishing process with confidence, and eeach millions of readers worldwide.

At lbooks Corporation, we are dedicated to turning authors’ dreams into reality. Our mission is simple to provide a platform where authors can showcase their work to a global audience. With Publish with lbooks Corporation, we strive to make the publishing process seamless and rewarding for every writer.

Our shared vision revolves around putting authors at the heart of everything we do. We believe in elevating and amplifying their voices, providing a supportive environment for their creative endeavors. Exciting challenges await as we embark on this journey together, fueled by our passion for storytelling and determination to succeed.

Joining our platform is quick and easy. In just a few minutes, you’ll have your own author account ready to go.

Share your story with the world.

Take control of your book’s promotion. Set promotional pricing, enable pre-orders, and more to attract readers. Earn royalties directly deposited into your bank account. With lbooks Corporation, you have full control over your content and earnings.

With lbooks Corporation, you’re the boss. Retain ownership of your rights, set your prices, and run your promotions as you see fit. Plus, there’s no need for exclusivity – you’re free to publish elsewhere while enjoying the benefits of our platform.

For businesses and publishers looking for printing services at scale, Our Book Printing API offers a global network, no upfront costs, and complete control over the print-on-demand service.

Prepare, Get Set, Publish Your Path to Publishing Success.

Reach a global audience with ease through our strategic partnerships. Your eBook will be available in online bookstores across 190+ countries, maximizing your potential readership.

Stay informed with detailed sales analytics. Our user-friendly dashboard provides real-time updates, allowing you to track sales by country or date.

Get your book ready to stand out on Apple Books by designing a captivating book cover and properly formatting your files.

Ready to publish your ebook or audiobook? Let us handle the details. Join our author program today and experience the benefits of being part of lBooks & Co. For more information, reach out to us at

Make your amazing read amazing to look at.

There’s nothing like seeing your ebook on devices everywhere. Find out how to make the digital publishing process go smoothly from start to finish.

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