Case Formulation for Personality Disorders provides clinical guidance on how to build effective treatment plans for patients presenting with personality disorders. Anchored within a disorder-specific approach, the present volume reviews the evidence base of case formulation methodology. The book takes an integrative and differentiated approach to case formulation, with multiple methods of case formulation, all specifically adapted to the psychotherapy of personality disorders, illustrated with many case examples.
“The effective treatment of personality pathology necessitates a thoughtful case conceptualization. Dr. Kramer has brought together an outstanding group of clinicians to demonstrate this essential task by providing real-life examples of how to operationalize this complex process in practice. Not only will this volume be of immediate practical use to clinicians, but it will also stimulate important cross-talk between different theoretical orientations thereby stimulating research. ” –Carla Sharp, University of Houston
“The contents of this outstanding volume lie at the crossroads of some of the most important trends in psychotherapy research and practice today. These include case formulation and its impact on the treatment of personality disorders; the curative elements of the therapeutic relationship with such clients; and rigorous, individualized case study. I recommend enthusiastically this very well crafted and superbly edited compendium to clinicians and researchers of all theoretical stripes.” —Stanley B. Messer, Distinguished Professor, Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology, Rutgers University
“Case formulation is crucial for effective treatment of personality disorder that is gaining significance with the emergence of trans-diagnostic and transtheoretical treatment models. This valuable compendium of how case formulation is approached from diverse perspectives contains all the ingredients clinicians need to construct an approach that will enhance their practice while also meeting their style and conceptual orientation.”–John Livesley, Professor Emeritus, University of British Columbia
“This singular addition to the case formulation literature will be of particular interest to therapists treating those with personality disorders. Replete with case examples, it offers a wide variety of perspectives to understand and tailor interventions aimed at helping the most challenging individuals we treat.”–Tracy D. Eells, Ph.D., Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY
“How to bridge the gap from empirical evidence to clinical practice in psychotherapy – particularly when it comes to personality disorders? This excellent volume elegantly adopts a much needed, multireferential and patient focused approach and demonstrates that the success of the implementation of evidence-based treatments hinges on a carefully formulated case and treatment plan. A must-read for clinicians and scientists working with this population!”–Martin Bohus, Scientific Director Institut of Psychiatric and Psychosomatic Psychotherapy, Central Institute of Mental Health; Medical Faculty Mannheim; Heidelberg University, Mannheim, Germany
Presents case formulation techniques that ensure clinicians start their patients on a course of treatment that gets results
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