
The Home Doctor: Practical Medicine for Every Household

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Inside this massive 304-pages physical book you will discover the DIY medical procedures and vital medical supplies you need to have on hand to take care of common health problems and emergencies at home, while waiting for an ambulance to arrive or in the next crisis when doctors and medicines may be hard to come by.

Dr. Maybell, one of the authors, is known for developing new, ingenious methods of treating her patients after Venezuela’s economy collapsed and hospitals and pharmacies ran out of medicines, supplies, electricity and even running water.

The methods Maybell and other doctors in Venezuela invented and pioneered are now being studied and applied in conflict zones all over the world. Many of these inexpensive procedures do not require any medical assistance as they are specifically designed to be self-applied, so they should also help anyone cut down on medical costs while things are still OK.

But they become most valuable when the medical system cannot be depended on, like during long term blackouts, economic collapses, riots, hurricanes and other disasters. As you’ll discover these methods inside The Home Doctor you’ll probably start to realize why every household and family should keep them close-by.

About the author:

Claude Davis is an old-fashioned guy by any standard. He is fascinated by the old days, when people were wiser, healthier and more independent.

He’s a firm believer of “practice what you preach”, so he has personally built a log cabin where he lives with his wife and two children.

Cooking outside on an open flame, making his own clothes and stockpiling homemade canned foods are just a few of the things he loves doing.

He believes that the teaching of our forefathers can prepare us for anything in life.

After all, a crisis is what people 150 years ago called daily life: no electricity, no computers, no internet, no supermarkets and no pharmacies in sight.

And still they came out on top, otherwise we wouldn’t be here.

Claude considers that lifestyle to be the building block that shaped modern day America and turned young people from softballs to hardened adults, ready to face anything life threw at them.

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